Friday, October 15, 2010

lucy's birthday

As I was sending Lucy off to school yesterday I realized "Oh darn" (I didn't really think "darn," more like a bad word that rhymes with "sit"!) "I have Lucy's treats for school done, I have her party for friends Saturday all planned, I have her family party on Sunday all planned, but I don't have anything for tonight!" And while one might think Lucy has an abundance of birthday fun waiting for her this weekend, when you're very small it's pretty important to make your actual birthday very special. So, good mommy that I am, I whipped up some delightful vegan chocolate cupcakes for her. We also let her open a lot of her presents, but saved a few for the family birthday party on Sunday. The hit of the evening - besides the cupcakes - was the singing birthday card James gave to Lucy. I will be hearing that singing hamster in my sleep for days, I am sure. I think she had a lovely day.

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