James and Lucy had a marvelous Halloween, although I always think Halloween-on-Sunday seems weird. But they had a blast, especially James. This was the first time he really understood what was going on, and he really got into it. The first house or two we visited, he was very hesitant and had to be prompted to say "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You" etc., but by the third house we visited he had figured out the protocol, and quickly became a master at selecting the best houses to visit and shouting out "Trick or Treat." Lucy enjoyed herself too, although she is a little more reserved than her brother, and a little reluctant to knock on the doors of stranger's homes.
Two days after Halloween we lost our dear bunny boy, Petey Petunia. Those of you who know us or who have visited our home will, of course, know all about Petey, and how I acquired him many, many years ago when he was just a baby, and how he has lived with me for almost twelve years. Petey had become very, very elderly and frail this past summer and fall, and was suffering, so we had to let him go. I am still shocked at how upset everyone in the family was . . . we all cried and cried. I guess he had just been a part of our lives for so long that we had a hard time getting over his loss. He was a great pet, and we'll always remember him fondly.
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