Tuesday, October 12, 2010

brazen mice, or why our cats are worthless.

So we're watching T.V. Sunday night, catching up on some shows we had DVR'd, when suddenly a mouse runs out from behind the television. It runs across the living room floor to the fireplace, stops, looks up at me, I scream, and it runs back behind the television.

Now, this was not in the middle of the night, we were not being quiet, the room was not dark. The T.V. was on, lights were on, we were having an animated discussion about football, and it was only about eight o'clock at night! I am so shocked and disgusted by the brazen mice that live in my decrepit falling apart rotten old house.

Oh yeah, and where were the cats? Good question! They were all lying around, asleep somewhere. Worthless felines. If James tries to pull your tails I will not intervene.

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