We had the nicest Thanksgiving this year. My new brother-in-law invited us out to his family's farm for the afternoon, so for the first time in many, many years we did not host a family Thanksgiving supper at our house. It was so refreshing. Not that I don't love doing Thanksgiving . . . it's my favorite holiday to cook for . . . but it was a nice to do things differently this year. Of course, I still made pies. Of course. But that was all.
And it was a lovely, if a bit chilly, day. The children had a ball exploring the barn and playing in the hayloft, and it was lovely driving home that evening and seeing all the holiday lights that had already gone up.
The only drawback to our Thanksgiving was not having the big kids with us, but we made up for that by doing Thanksgiving II on Friday. Because I just couldn't get through this weekend without roasting an enormous turkey . . . so we had another very nice evening of Thanksgiving dinner and a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit . . .