Saturday, February 12, 2011

homemade ravioli night

David and the children made ravioli for supper last weekend. The pasta recipe came from Jamie Oliver and was rolled out by hand. The filling was chard sauteed with garlic, oven roasted grape tomatoes and onions, and some feta cheese and sour cream all stirred up together. We made a simple marinara sauce to spoon over the cooked ravioli. Yum!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

the big snow

Last week we had a "perfect storm" of weather conditions that brought us a lot of snow. A very big snow. And a blizzard with howling winds and arctic temperatures. It was the most snow anyone in Kansas City has seen for along while. The children had two snow days, and even David could not get to work on the day after the blizzard (although if his building had not been closed I am sure he would have tried to go in anyway!).