Like many families we have an ever-evolving, rarely-completed list of projects we want to do around the house. With a big party in the works for later this Autumn we feel a new urgency to actually check off some of the items on our list, and one of the "big" ones was figuring out what to do with the front walkway. It was an eyesore, but we honestly couldn't come up with any ideas we liked.
Finally, brilliantly, David came up with a lovely plan that was (reasonably) affordable and was something we could manage on our own. So after some exciting concrete demolition, and a few very expensive trips to the home improvement center and two garden centers, we tackled our project yesterday, and I think it came out very nicely.
After tearing out the old concrete "curbs" (ugh, that was hard), we dug up (and transplanted to a bare spot in yard) a patch of grass on each side of the front walk, and put in flower beds, after first building a little decorative retaining wall. It has totally transformed the space, and we feel almost a little foolish that we didn't do something like this a year ago. Oh well. It is very pretty now. I almost hate to park in front of it!